Would you like to submit a guest post or become a regular contributor to The Smoky Mountain Life? Please take a few moments to read through our editorial policy so you can get an idea of what we’re looking for. Compliance with our editorial policy will improve the chance of your idea or article being accepted.
Suggested Themes and Tone:
Content should be to the Great Smoky Mountains, including, but not limited to: restaurants, attractions, shops, entertainment, lodging, etc. Name-calling, trolling, defamatory or libelous content will not be accepted.
Content Guidelines:
Your submission, article, or post:
- Must be an original article that you wrote.
- Must not be an advertisement, “selling a product”, or deemed as spam. We do, however, accept sponsored posts. In this case, the content and link will be mutually agreed upon. Please see the Advertise With Us page for information regarding sponsored posts.
- Must have proper grammar and punctuation.
- Must not contain any content that is a violation of any law, or be considered defamatory, hateful, libelous, or infringes on the legal rights of others.
- Must be unique content to The Smoky Mountain Life.
- Should include a list of suggested categories/keywords.
- Should be approximately 500 words in length.
- Should include images or diagrams to help convey your points. These must also be sourced/cited.
Note that if the editorial policy and guidelines are not followed, your submission will more than likely not be accepted and published.